Sunday, April 25, 2010

Letting Go of "Let it Go"

"Let it go" is a popular refrain these days. Instead of agonizing over the conversation I just had or dreading my upcoming meeting, I should "let it go". Let go of the distress. Choose not to suffer over every occurrence. I have found this to be difficult. Simply focusing on letting it go does not seem effective for me.

When I focus on letting it go, I start to feel frustration. So, while trying to let go of my suffering over what happened or what might happen, I compound it with frustration over not being able to let go of the suffering. Not good.

I decided to think of it in another way, and it's working for me so far. Instead of focusing on letting go. I focus on grabbing another emotional state. Imagine having an object in your hand. Then, imagine reaching for a second object and grabbing it. In the act of grabbing something else, I naturally let go of the first object. Simple.

Last week, after a bad conversation, I went to a friend's office and had a great conversation. I felt better. Yessss. Letting go of "let it go" works for me. If I'm feeling bad, I simply try to go do something that tends to make me feel good. It's a simple plan. If I'm feeling bad, I can go knit, play music, draw, paint, blog, eat, watch a movie, talk to a friend, work out, etc. There are so many activities I can grab to help me let go of my low emotional state.

If I can't physically get away from a situation to do something that might help me feel better, I can utilize my prefrontal cortex for all it's worth. We homo sapiens have the mental capacity to go places in our heads such that our minds react as though we did in fact experience those thoughts. When I'm physically stuck, I can still control my feelings by going to my "happy place" in my head. I can imagine sitting on a beautiful beach, for example, listening to the water slide along the sand. I felt the tension in my face release just typing that thought.

Let it go. Grab another emotion. Go to your happy place. How ever you label it, take care of your emotional state Do this for your sake but also for the sake of those with whom you interact. We'll all be better off for it.

Take refuge in truth.

Copyright© 2010 by Quandra T. McGrue

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